As the new coronavirus disease (“COVID-19”) continues to spread, many employees are wondering whether there is coverage under their medical plan and whether they can take a leave of absence. The following provides some high-level information intended to address these inquiries. This information is up to date as of March 9, 2020, is general in nature, and subject to change.
Life insurance protects against the potential financial loss experienced as the result of the death of a loved one. However, certain types of life insurance policies can also be valuable financial tools.
There are many factors that can affect New Jersey Homeowner's Insurance costs. The most notable factors to consider are the location, the age of the home, and the style/method of construction. Homes that are safe from both natural disasters and crimes are the most affordable to insure. However, unless moving is an option, choosing a perfect location can be difficult to control. Regardless of where you live, using the 5 tips below can help you save when purchasing a Homeowner's Insurance policy.